US Warned Al-Qaeda new Chief Al-Zawahiri
US officials said we would kill Al-Qaeda new chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri as like Osama Bin Laden. US said that he will face same situation which faced by Osama Bin Laden before some time.
Al-Qaeda announced their new chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri he's 59-years old.
Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen warned Ayaman Al-Zawahiri to expect the same situation as like that of bin Laden, who was killed by US Special Forces in his Abbottabad house in Pakistan on May 2.
Al-Qaeda announced their new chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri he's 59-years old.
Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen warned Ayaman Al-Zawahiri to expect the same situation as like that of bin Laden, who was killed by US Special Forces in his Abbottabad house in Pakistan on May 2.