
T-Pain suffer's from pain

Hip-hop artist T-Pain sustain some pain and missed his show. He doesn't want to talk on the phone because it'll filter his voice. You should expect a cracker concert this weekend by T-Pain.

His name like Kanye West (Good Life) and Jamie Foxx (Blame It) give collaborations to him. T-Pain admits that it's not always fun charting the Billboards alone. It's tough to cross audiences, and collaborations help that.

T-Pain is from small-town Tallahassee which is a great place to live in but I like having options to see different things. Music gave me options he said. 

His stage name, T-Pain, stands for Tallahassee pain a metaphor for the struggles he faced growing up. T-Pain says that music-oriented shows like American Idol & Indian Idol help explore fresh talent. 

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