Male Prostitution is Common now
After the female prostitution the male prostitution is also a comman thing in India the male prostitute known as Gigolo and Strippers. According to news every month 8 to 12 boys under 18 arrive Mumbai to hinterland to work as commercial sex workers.
They land here with correct estimates of the money they stand to make, but gloomy ideas about the job description. Few can guess how prostitution will transform them psychologically, socially and even physically.
Some welfare societies are giving advise to them please go back to your home and leave this work. But they say they give only simple messages and not do sex with clients.
A society member says that we show to 12th year old child a condom and ask if it would even fit him. We show him a dildo and ask him to imagine what it would be like to have sex with client. We show him images of men with sexually transmitted infections and of men with AIDS and tell him that could happen to him without a condom. That they could die before hit adulthood the child pause for a minute and then says 'No' they never go back.
They land here with correct estimates of the money they stand to make, but gloomy ideas about the job description. Few can guess how prostitution will transform them psychologically, socially and even physically.
Some welfare societies are giving advise to them please go back to your home and leave this work. But they say they give only simple messages and not do sex with clients.
A society member says that we show to 12th year old child a condom and ask if it would even fit him. We show him a dildo and ask him to imagine what it would be like to have sex with client. We show him images of men with sexually transmitted infections and of men with AIDS and tell him that could happen to him without a condom. That they could die before hit adulthood the child pause for a minute and then says 'No' they never go back.